Construction and sale of river boats since 1986

• Made in France •

Professionals Home

Investissez dans le tourisme fluvial

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Why join the Nicols network?

Nicols has solid experience in its “double hat”: builder and rental company of riverboats. If you join the Nicols network and start operating a base, you can benefit from 35 years of Nicols experience and expertise in the European riverboat rental business.

What are the benefits?

You’ll find that when you join the Nicols network, you’re not alone – you’re an integral part of a Group, and that’s a real strength. We have the know-how and we’re here to support you. We share a common interest in making your base a success!

Nos clients reconnaissent le confort de nos bateaux : Nicols est un société connue et reconnue dans le monde du fluvial, et nos clients sont friands de nouvelles destinations !

Our Nicols boat ranges

We offer individuals wishing to become boat owners a wide choice of new models with customization options.


Do you have a question about one of our boats? We can help!

How to finance my project?

Nicols offers you the possibility of financing your rental business:
For more information, please contact us or visit our financing page. Our financial partner offers several types of financing.

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